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How to Pick the Perfect Bong for You

How to Pick the Perfect Bong for You

Dank Geek |

How to Pick the Perfect Bong for You

Choosing the right bong for your needs can really enhance your smoking experience. However this can be a challenge for new smokers or those who are accustomed to rolling their own smoke. Although it may appear that all bongs are the same, there are many difference that can alter your smoking experience. Lets dive into some important features, quirks and types of bongs to help you find your perfect piece.

Size Doesn't Matter

Most people assume that the bigger the bong, the better. This couldn't be farther from the truth. While tall and large bongs provide extra filtration and cooling, it will also give you a big hit that new smokers may not find enjoyable. Smaller bongs are often called "flavor savers" as they maintain the flavor profile if your smoke. Smaller bongs are also great for portability and travel use. Smaller bongs also tend to be cheaper in price, so if you have butter fingers it isn't too stressful if you drop it and it breaks.


One downside of bongs are that they will shatter and break if dropped high enough onto a hard surface. If you know you are clumsy and tend to drop or break things, a silicone bong may be better suited for you. These bongs are made from food grade silicone that will never shatter and are heat resistant. Silicone bongs can also be folded for easy and discreet storage!

The "Percs" of A Bong

Percolators or percs are additional chambers in a bong that will provide additional filtration. Some water pipes may have multiple percs while others may only have one. Each additional percolator will increase smoothness but the drag will increase as well. When drag is increased, it is more difficult to inhale all the smoke in the bong and requires forceful inhalation. If you are a new smoker with virgin lungs or if you prefer smaller drags, then look for a bong with fewer percolators.

Caring For Your Bong

One thing that most people overlook is the maintenance requirement of a bong. Resin and tar will build up in the chambers of the bong as you use it. Over time, this will affect the taste, cleanliness, and appearance of your bong. Large bongs with multiple percs will be very difficult to clean while a more modest size piece with fewer percs will be much easier to maintain. You can also add an ash catcher to provide extra filtration and to keep your bong clean, but keep in mind this will increase drag. Most importantly, don't let you friends rip from a bong with old dirty bong water. Replace and refill your bong with each use, your lungs and friends will thank you.